Moved Me Mondays

Monday, November 15, 2010

I shared a few weeks ago that I had the opportunity to go with my buddy and ministry partner, Derry Prenkert, to the "Story of Your Life" Tour which featured Johnny Diaz, Josh Wilson and Matthew West. I knew Josh Wilson really well but wasn't really up with much Matthew West or Johnny Diaz...or at least I thought. It was an amazing concert but one of the songs that really moved me was the one above..."My Own Little World". As I listened to it on the radio and finally heard the story behind the song I was really challenged by the words in it.

It really made me think of how blessed I am and what God has given me...but it can't stop there. It challenged me to think about what other things I could be doing to reach out or help others. How can I allow them to see Christ in me? How can I be His hands and feet to others?

It was an amazing thing yesterday for me to sit in a room with over sixty 5-12 grade students as we sat and dreamed how we can do something bigger than ourselves this year. As we talked about Teens we see everyday who are in crises and those both here in the US and abroad that are trafficked each day we decided that doing nothing was not an option. We're beginning to wrestle with how we can move outside the bubble of our own little world and truly allow God to use us when it comes to Teens and Trafficking (more on this later).

I pray that the words of this song will challenge you to think beyond your own little world to what God may truly be calling you step out on faith and trust Him to get you through...ultimately changing you and making you more like Him. Allow Him to move you today...

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