Winter Retreat Session 1

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tonight the students are being challenged to answer the question, "Do you know YOUR God-given identity?"

Tonight we looked at the character of Daniel from Scripture and some of the key things that he lived by as he pursued a life that was pleasing to God and not the world.

They didn't conform to the culture of this world...

They believed God was who He said He was...

They knew their God-given identity...

Pray for our students as we dive in deeper and they are challenged to take their next steps in their relationship with Christ over the next four days together. That they would take steps that are pleasing to God and not the world/culture.

1 comment:

Tonya Angle said...

Praying for God to be very present there with you all and for our students to have wide open hearts, ears, eyes, and minds for what God is saying to each one. Praying for changed hearts and lives. So thankful for opportunities like this for our kids. God is so faithful!!